Mission: To provide enhanced quality food products for Nova Scotians with a focus on using under-utilized produce, and to increase the amount of local food served in local institutions with the goal of reducing food waste.
Vision: A vibrant, local sustainable food system that supports the health of people, place and planet.

Food Hub Company
The Station Food Hub Company, a social purpose led business located in Newport Station, Nova Scotia, is the combination of two distinct businesses: one focuses on value-added upcycled food products and distribution, and the other supports local food businesses through space rental, storage facilities and product development.
The business was born from a lot of questions about food. Why do we have to import basic foods that we grow locally? Why do we export our raw foods only to purchase them back once they have been turned into products? Why are we not processing more of our own food here and creating jobs for Nova Scotians?
Impact Canada’s Food Waste Reduction Challenge has even recognized our business model as an innovation solution by choosing us as a finalist for the 2023 prize. By using innovative thinking around food waste we are increasing food availability, saving consumers and businesses money, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and in the process strengthening our food system.

Rebecca grew up in Nova Scotia and studied Nutrition at Acadia University. She is a registered dietitian and has a Masters in Health Administration from the University of British Columbia. She has worked as a dietitian in the community for 17 years with her area of expertise being community food security, the food system and improving the food environment through larger system change. She lives with her husband and three young children in Windsor.

Originally from Montreal, the seeds of Heather’s curiosity in food cultures were sewn early. Her grandmother, travel, and a variety of studies have contributed to a life where diet, health, community, and entrepreneurship have formed her foundation. Creating pathways to food system change by Connecting Farms, Food, and People at The Station Food Hub Company is an obvious culmination and expression of a life’s work.

Our Team
We have a solid team of dedicated individuals who believe in the mission of The Food Hub Company. A baker, three chefs and a food service manager with over 70 years combined experience.
Advocacy and Education
Rebecca and Heather are becoming more in demand as experts in the value-added food movement. There is great value in having quality information available to decision makers. Knowledge affects policy and purchasing decisions which can further the goals of government, food producers and businesses. Their goal is to help shift perceptions, and subsequently policies, surrounding food security.
A more informed understanding of food waste and what can be done locally goes directly toward addressing our local food security issues. Recognition that more of the produce from Nova Scotian farms can be up-cycled into products for local consumers is a win-win situation. Having dependable reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food is the definition of food security.